By Sri. M.Prabhakar (SA-PS)



  2 MARKS QNS.       


1.What is doping ?     (2/219 Page)                                                                                                               

2.Name four high-level  languages ?   (10/238)

3.Draw the block diagram of a computer ?  (13/238)

4.Draw the diagrams of p-n-p, n-p-n  transistors  ?   ( 4/226)

5.What are HARDWARE  and  SOFTWARE of a  computer ?  (9/238)

6.Distinguish between a machine language and a high-level  language?  (7/238)

7.What are isotopes? Give an example.  (7/200)

8.What are isobars ? Give an example.  ( 8/200)

9.What are isotones ? Give an example. (9/200)

10.State inverse square law of magnetism ?  (2/101)

11.Give the applications of laser in the field of medicine ?  (12/92)

12.Explain the phenomenon of Resonance ?  ( /63)

13.Explain the working of a laundry drier ?  (12/39)

14.What is a centrifuge ? How does it work ?  (11/39)

15.Differentiate between mass  and weight of a body ?  (11/16)

16.what are positive and negative zero errors of a screw gauge ? How are they determined  ?    (6/7)  

 1 MARK  QNS.                                    

1.Draw the symbol of a diode ?   (5/223)                                                                                                

2.What is a  hole ?  (5/214)

3.Define a BIT ?  (4/238)

4.Define a BYTE ?  (5/238)

5.Define the term  ‘mass defect’  ?  (4/189)

6.State the law of radioactive disintegration ?  ( 5/200)

7.What is the function of a moderator in a nuclear reactor ?  (5/210)

8.What is the reason of depleation of Ozone layer in atmosphere ?  (51)

9.What is the principle of launching a satellite into an orbit ?  (15/39)

10.State Hooke’s law ?  (6/16)

11.What is the acceleration due to gravity ?  (3/16)

1.State the properties and uses of a junction diode ?  (4/223)  

 4 MARKS  QNS.                                       

2.State the properties and uses of a junction transistor ?  (5/226)

3.What is the principle of a nuclear reactor ?  How is the chain reaction controlled in a nuclear reactor ?  (11/210)

4.What are the  properties of α,β radiations ?  (12/200)

5.Derive  R = R1+  R 2  +  R 3 .  (5/140)

6.Derive an expression for equivalent resistance of parallel combination of three resistances R1, R2  and R3 .(6/140)

7.Define Joule’s law and derive  Q =i 2Rt/J .    (4/151)

8.Compare the values of relative permeability and magnetic susceptibility of dia, para and ferro magnetic  substances?  (4/112)

9.Distinguish between progressive and stationary waves ?  (6/64)

10.Describe the method of determine the velocity of sound in air ?  (9/64)

11.What are the important applications of laser light in science and technology ?  (10/92)

12.Give a comparison between Newton’s corpuscular theory and wavetheory of light ?  (8/79)

13.Distinguish between centripetal and centrifugal force ?

14.How  do you determine the diameter of a wire using a screw gauge ?  (5/7)





1.Sketch the diagram of nuclear reactor showing various parts.  (12/210)

2.Draw the neat diagram of magnetic lines of force, when N-pole of a bar magnet facing geographical north.       Locate  the null points.  (104)

3.Draw the neat diagram of magnetic lines of force, when S-pole of a bar magnet facing geographical north. Locate    the null points.  (105)

4.Draw and label the diagram showing various regions of electro-magnetic spectrum and their wavelength   ranges.(50)

5.Draw  a neat diagram of screw gauge  and label its various parts.  (3)

6.Draw the diagrams  showing negative zero error and positive zero error of screw gauge.  (4)


minimum  study  material FOR 10TH  chemistry


1.Explain Pauli’s exclusive principle with examples .  (22/257 page)                                 

2.write the  electronic configuration of  (I) Cr  and  (2) Cu ?  (20/257)

3.Explain why electrons enter into 4S orbital but not 3d after filling 3P orbital ?   (26/257)

4.Define ionization energy  and electron affinity .  (24,25/257)

5.Draw the shape  of  Pcl molecule.  (265)

6.Explain the formation of sigma and Pi bonds showing orbitals overlapping ?  (261)

7.Why do you add Kcl and Nacl to Mgcl2 during Mg extraction ?  (4/284)

8.Calculate the number of moles of NaoH present in 750ml of 0.4M solution. (M.Wt. of  NaoH is 40).    (9/293)

9.Define the heat of nutralisation . Give its value for a reaction between a strong acid and a strong base. (15/308)

10.What are advantages of Hydrogenation of Oils ?  (6/337)

11.What are characterstics of good quality  face powder ?  ( 6 /354  )

12.Draw the diagrams of Asprin and Paracetamal .  ( 13/354 ) 

  1  MARK QNS.                                                                                                 

1.What is value of Plank’s constant ?  (241)                                                                                       

2.Name inert gases .  (5/277)

3.Define  PH     ?  (9/308)

 4.What is the ionic  product of water ?  (8/308)                                                                                                                                                                     

5.What is  Polymerisation  ?  (10/321)

6.Draw the diagram of Benzene.  (315)

7.What are Amino acids ?  (328)

8.What is  Saponification ?  (335)

9.What is   Annealing ?  ( iii /339)

10.What is the use of adding cullet to the raw material of glass ?  (2/354)



1.Explain the important features  of Rutherford’s  planetary model and its defects . (27,28/257)   

2.State the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model and write its drawbacks.  (29,30/257)

3.State and explain with one example the Aufbau principle.  (35/257)

4.State and explain with one example the Hund’s rule of Maximum multiplicity .  (36/257)

5.Define the ionization energy and mention the factors that influence it.  (37/257)

6.Explain the formation of double bond.  (13/267)

7.Explain the formation of triple bond.  (16/267)

8.Explain the formation of coordinate  covalent bond .  (15/267)

9.How does the following  properties vary in a period and in a group?  (273)

     (a) Atomic radius.        (b) Ionization energy.           (c) Electronegativity.                 (d) Electropositive character.

10.What is the modern periodic law ?  Explain its main features of modern periodic table.  (271)

11.Define molarity.  2.12grs of Na2Co3 is present in 250ml of its solution.Calculate the  molarity of the solution.(   

12.State the Arrhenius theory of acids and bases and write down its limitations .  (6,7/308)

13.Compare the  structures of diamond and graphite.  (13/321)

14.How is Alcohol manufactured industrially ?  (33/332)

15.How do you test the quality of a soap ?  (13/337)

16.What is a drug ? What are the requisities of an ideal drug ?  ( 347) 


1.Draw the shapes of Five d  orbitals .  (33/257)                                                                                  

2.Draw the diagram showing  the sequence of filling of electrons in various atomic orbitals.  (34/257)

3.Draw the neat diagram showing the extraction of  Magnesium from its  ore.  (12/284)

4.Draw the diagram showing the manufacture of sugar from sugar cane.  (32/332

5.Draw a neat labeled sketch showing the manufacture of Alcohol from Molasses.  (327)





1.      Screw gauge works on the principle of  screw.

2.      The scale marked on the index of a screw gauge is called  Pitch scale.

3.      Ptolemaic theory is also known as Geocentric theory.

4.      According to Kepler concept the orbit of a planet around the sun is  elliptical.

5.      The law of gravitation holds everywhere in the universe.

6.      The weight of 400 gm  stone is 3.9 N

7.      Kepler’s laws support Heliocentric theory.

8.      Heliocentric theory was proposed by Copernicus.

9.      The units of gravitational constant (G) is Nm2Kg-2.

10. The value of the gravitational constant (G)  is 6.67 x 10-11 -2.

11. The formula for gravitational force of attraction between two bodies is given by F = G.m1m2/r2.

12. Acceleration due to gravity  ‘g’ is maximum at poles.

13. The value of acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2 (OR) 980 cm/s2.

14. Sensitive instrument used to find small chages in the value of ‘g’ is Boliden gravity meter.

15. Mass of the body is constant anywhere in the universe.

16. The maximum height reached by body thrown up with an initial velocity ‘u’ is  u2/2g .

17. When a body is dropped from a height h, the velocity of the body on reaching the earth √2gh.

18. When a body moves towards the earth  acceleration due to gravity is taken as positive.

19. When  a body is projected upwards the acceleration due to gravity is taken as negative.

20. The time taken by a body thrown up to reach maximum height ‘h’ is called its Time of ascent.

21. Time of ascent is directly proportional to Initial velocity.

22. A body is projected  upwards with a velocity of 10 m/s .The maximum height reached by the body is 5m.

23. For a body moving under the influence of gravity, time of ascent is equal to Time of descent.

24. Newton’s laws are valid in Inertial frame of reference.

25. Centrifuge is used to separate particles of higher mass from those of lower mass in a given mixture.

26. Centripetal force is a pull on the body towards the centre of the circle.

27. A car moves on a curved but level road.The necessary centripetal force on the car is provided by

friction between the tyres and road.


28. In a SHM. the acceleration of the particle is directly proportional to its displacement.

29. Speed of light in vacuum is  3 x 108 m/s.

30. The wavelength range of visible spectrum 0.4μm – 0.7μm.

31. The electromagnetic radiations  used in RADAR is microwaves.

32. The electromagnetic radiation observed in radioactivity is

33. The electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.

34. Infrared rays are used to take photographs of objects in darkness.

35. The IR radiations are used in Physiotherapy.

36. RADAR  means Radio Detection And Ranging.

37. The process of making use of soft X-rays in medical diagnosis is called radiography.

38. Electro-magnetic radiations with shortest wavelength are  

39. The Ozone layer protects us from Ultraviolet radiations from the sun.

40. The speed of electromagnetic radiations is 3 x 108 m/s.

41. The velocity of sound in air is

42. The distance between two successive nodes  is  λ/2.

43. The distances between a node and the next antinode is  λ/4.

44. In a  stationary wave the point at which the displacement is maxmum is called antinode.

45. Periodic vibrations of decreasing amplitude are called damped vibrations.

46. The vibrations take place under the influence of an external periodic force are called Forced vibrations.

47. A medium transmits a sound wave through it by virtue of its elasticity and inertia.

48. In a resonating air column experiment with a closed-end tube, first resonance occurs when the length of the air column is 10 cm. Second resonance occurs at 30 cm.

49. Distance between node and the next antinode in stationary wave is10cm. Then the wavelength is 40cm.

50. Corpuscles are repelled by the reflecting surface.

51. A wave undergoes a phase change of π or 1800.

52. For constructive superposition of waves, phase difference between waves should be equal to zero or 2πn

53. The size of corpuscles are different for different colours.

54. Expanded form of LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

55. The wavelength of Ruby Laser is 6943 Å.

56. Candela is the unit of Luminous Intensity.

57. Lasers are used in treatment of diseases of Lung and Liver.

58. Solid angle is measured in steradians.

59. The process of achieveing population inversion is called pumping.

60. The value of the magnetic permeability of free space μ0 = 4π x 10-7  Henry/metre.

61. Air, water, Bismuth are examples of  dia magnetic substances.

62. If the resultant magnetic moment is not zero then such substances are Para magnetic substances.

63. Relerationship between magnetic flux density (B), and magneticfield (H) is B = μ0H.

64. The unit of pole strength in M.K.S. system is Weber.

65. The relative permeability for a diamagnetic substance is nearly equal to 1(μr≤1).

66. The susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance is small and negative.

67. The instrument to measure current is Ammeter.

68. Voltmeter is used to measure the potential difference.

69. The symbol of battery is

70. The conductors which do not obey Ohm’s law are called non-ohmic conductors.

71. If three cells of 1v, 1.5v, and 2v are connected in series then the total e.m.f. will be 4.5v.

72. If three cells of 1v, 1.5v and 2v are connected in parallel then the total e.m.f. will be 2v.

73. When resistances are connected in series the total voltage is divided among them.

74. When resistances are connectd in the total currednt is divided among them.

75. The equivalent resistance of two resistors 6Ω and12 when connected is series is  18 Ω.

76. The wquivalent resistance when two resistors of 8Ω each are connected on parallel is 4 Ω.

77. The unit of specific resistance is ohm-metre.

78. A transformer works on the principle of   mutual induction.

79. Electric motor converts electrical energy  into mechanical energy.

80. A device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy  is Dynamo.

81. A transformer uses iron core to minimize power losses.

82.  The unit of self inductance is Henry.

83. The value of mechanical equivalent of heat  is 4.18 joules /cal.

84. The radius of nucleus of an atom is 10-13 cm.

85. The α – partical is a positively charged particle.

86. When α –partical is emitted by an atom, its mass number decreases by 4 units.

87. When α – partical is emitted, the atomic number of an atom reduced by 2 units.

88. When  - partial is emitted by an atom, its mass number remains same.

89. When  - partical is emitted, the atomic number of an atom increased by 1 unit.

90. The ionization power is highest in case of α – particle.

91. 1 Angstorm = 10-8cm.

92. 23592U  isotope is used in the determination of age of rocks.

93. 146C isotope is used in the determination of age of fossils.

94. In a nuclear reactor, the entire region of a fuel elements is known as reactor core.

95. 23892U → 23490 Th +  42He.

96. In P-type semiconductors majority carriers are holes.

97. The charge carriers in a semiconductor are electrons and holes.

98. Transistor acts as an amplifier.

99. The energy gap is highest in the case of insulator.

100.   The frequency used in radio communications are in the range of 300KHz to 30MHz.   

101.   A group of 8 bits is called a Byte.

102.   The name of camera which consists of cathode rey beam and a photocell is Iconoscope.

103.   The symbol of P-n junction diode is  -⊳⊢

104.   Assembler is a machine language.

105.   A set of instructions is called a program.


  1. Angular velocity     --radians/sec                          
  2.  Mass defect   ---   Stability of atom.
  3. Fictitious force  --- Centrifugal force                     
  4. Mass number -- Sum of number of protons & neutrons                                        
  5. Banking angle  ---  banking of roads                      
  6. Unit of  atomic mass  --  amu.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Centre seeking force -- centripetal force.            
  7. Unit of energy ---  ev.
  8. A positive charge carrier  --  hole                                             
  9.  Mouse  --- input device
  10.  Pure silicon  -- intrinsic semiconductor                                 
  11.  BASIC ---   Machine independent.
  12.  Oscillator   --- transistor .                                                           
  13.   ASSEMBLER  ---  Machine language.
  14.  Rectifier    --- diode                                                                      
  15.   Printer     ----       Output device
  16.  N–type semiconductor – extrinsic semiconductor              
  17.  Hardware  --- Various computer components                                                             
  18.   Boron      ----     Trivalent impurity                                          
  19.  Program    ---  Set of instructions     
  20.  Phosphorus   ----   Pentavalent impurity                                 
  21.  IC---  Combination of diodes and transistors
  23.   BIT  --  0  or  1



  1. Among 3p, 4S, 3d, 4p the orbital having least energy is 3p.
  2. Shape of S-orbital is Spherical.
  3. The scientist who introduced elliptical orbit is  Sommerfeld.
  4. The number of ‘d’ orbital present in n=3 is 5.
  5. The number of m values for l=3 is 7.
  6. The number of  sub shells present in L-shell  are 2(s and p).
  7. The valence electronic configuration of Cr(z=24) is 4S13d5.
  8. 3d104S1 is the valence electronic configuration of Copper.
  9. After filling the 3d orbital, the electron enters into 4p orbital.
  10. Rutherford proposed planetory model based on α-scattering experment.
  11. The distance between the nucleus and outermost orbital give the atomic radius.
  12. The shape of carbondioxide(CO2) molecule is linear.
  13. V-shaped molecule is H2O.
  14. S-P overlap is present in HCl.
  15. The shape of PCl5 molecule is trigonal bipyramidal.
  16. Ammonia molecule (NH3) has pyramidal shape.
  17. P-P type of overlap is present in F2.
  18. Oxygen has two lone pairs of electrons in water molecule.
  19. Coordinate covalent bond is present in H3O+.
  20. In a periodic table, the ionization potential  in a group from top to bottom is decreases.
  21. Mendeleef periodic table was based on atomic weight.
  22. The first classification of elements is attempted by Dobernier.
  23. Dobernier’s triad is  Li,Na,K
  24. Electronegativity is expressed in Pauling’s scale.
  25. In a periodic table, elements from 58 atomic number to 71 are known as Lanthanides.
  26. In a periodic table, VII  group of elements can be used as oxidising reagents.
  27. The first period has two elements.
  28. The VII period is incomplete.
  29. The element forms peroxides along with oxides is Ba.
  30. Ore of Mg is Carnallite.
  31. Dolimate is mineral of Mg.
  32. The cathode used during electrolytic extraction of magnesium is iron pot.
  33. The number of water molecules present in Epsom salt is 7.
  34. 10 grams of Na2CO3 is dissolved in 190 grams of water.  The w% of solution is 5.
  35. Napthalene is soluble in kerosene.
  36. On increasing the temperature the solubility of NaCl is remains constant.
  37. Salubility of a substance depends on the nature of solvent and solute and the temperature.
  38. Cao is basic.
  39. The heat of neutralisation for a strong acid and strong base is 13.7                           
  40. The PH of pure water  is 7.
  41. The body fluid whose PH is greater than 7 is blood
  42. The value of Kw changes with changing temperature.
  43. If the PH of a solution is 8, its [H+] is 10-8.
  44. The colour of methyl orange indicator in acidic medium is red.
  45. The colour of phenolphthalein indicator in basic solution is pink.
  46. Ammonical silver nitrate solution is called as Tollen’s reagent.
  47. Ionic product of water at 25oC is   1.0 x 10-14 moles/lit.
  48. Ionization ofweak acids is less than 100%.
  49. If PH >7, then the solution is base.
  50. Bond length in graphite is 1.42 Ao.
  51. The name of C8H18 is Octane.
  52. Alkanes undergo substitution reactions.
  53. Alkenes undergo addition reations.
  54. The solid carbondioxide(CO2) is called dry ice.
  55. Chief component of cooking gas is Butane.
  56. The presence of alcoholic functional group is tested by addition of Sodium.
  57. The –CO-NH bond is called as Peptide Bond.
  58. The refractive index of a diamond is 2.41.
  59. Fe2O3 + 3CO à 2Fe + 3CO2.
  60. In the Tollen’s test, glucose reduces Ag+ ion to Ag metal.
  61. The sweetest sugar is Fructose.
  62. Benedict’s solution contains Copper  sulphate.
  63. Ca(OH)2 is added to sugar-cane juice in defecation process.
  64. An example of polysaccharide is Starch
  65. A bi-product ofsugar industry is press-mud, baggase,molasses.
  66. The micro organism used for fermentation of molasses is Yeast.
  67. CO2 is the by-product of alcohol industry.
  68. The spent cane is Baggase.
  69. Centrifuges are used to separate the crystals of sugar and liquid juice.
  70. The catalyst used in the Hydrogenation of oils is Ni.
  71. Shaving soap contains excess of Stearic Acid.
  72. Deodrant soap contains 3,4,5 tribromo salicylanilide.
  73. Sunflower and Ground nut are examples of oils giving seeds.
  74. Triethanal Ammonium salts of fatty acid are used in dry cleaning and cosmetics.
  75. The cation useful for toilet-soap is K+.
  76. 2Na3PO4  +  3CaCl2      à   Ca3(PO4)2    +   6NaCl.
  77. Cement is a mixture of Calcium silicate and Calcium aluminates.
  78. Cullet is the broken glass added to the batch.
  79. Chromophore is  imparts colour to the fibre.
  80. Glass blowing is possible with pyrex glass (or) Borosilicate glass.
  81. The first synthetic dye was prepared by the scientist W.H.Perkin.
  82. Drugs which act on blood circulation are Cardio-vascular drugs.
  83. Raw materials for the preparation of glass are soda-ash, lime stone and Sand.
  84. The cooling process of glass is called Annealing.
  85. The type of glass used for manufacture of laboratory glassware is Pyrex glass.
  86. Adhesives hold material together by surface attachment.
  87. Cold cream is an emulsion of oil and water.
  88. The chemical composition of talc is Magnesium silicate.
  89. A mixed fertilizer is NitrophosK



   2 Marks Qns.

1.What  are the factors that influence the value of ‘g’ ? (10/16)                                                                      

2. Show that the time of ascent is equal to the time of decent.  (5/22)

3.Draw the diagram of electromagnetic wave.  (49)

4.  Distinguish between a rotatory motion and a circular motion .  (3/39)

5. Distinguish between inertial and non-inertial frame of reference.  (8/39)

6.  What are the uses of artificial satellites ?  (35)

7.What is banking ? What is the necessity for the banking of roads ?  (13/39)

8. What is  a simple harmonic  motion ? What are its characteristics ?  (4/46)

9. Give examples for oscillatory motion observed in your day-to-day life.  (3/46)

10. What  are ohmic and non-ohmic conductors ? Give examples.  (4/129)

11. State the laws of resistance ?  (5/134)

12. Mention the applications of electrolysis ?  (5/159)

13. What is a  transformer ? On what principle does it work ?  (9/181)

14. Define  intrinsic  and extrinsic  semi-conductors ?  (1/219)

15. Mention some of trivalent and pentavalent elements ?  (3/219)

16. Draw diagrams of forward bias and reverse bias of junction diode ?  (222)

1  Mark Qns.

1. A ball is thrown up and attains maximum height of 80 m. Find its initial speed(g=10m/s2). (8/22)                

2. A body is projected upwards with a velocity of 20 m/s. Find the maximum height reached by the body(g=10m/s2).  (2/21)

3. Define the time of flight ?   (4c/22)

4. What is a spectrum ?  (1/52)

5. What is meant by Radiography ?  (51)

6. What is a damped vibration ?  (2/63)

7. Define nodes and antinodes ?  (58)

8. What are resonating  air- columns ?  (7/64)

9. What is diffraction ?  (16/79)

10.What is population inversion ?  (7/92)

11.State Lenz’s law ?  (3/181)

12. State the law of Einstein’s mass-energy equation ?  (5/189)

13.  What is the principle of Hydrogen Bomb ?  (209)

              4 Marks Qns.                                                                                                                                        

1. Derive the formula, the banking angle: Tan θ = V2/rg.  (33)

2. Describe an experiment to determine acceleration due to gravity by simple pendulum.  (6/46)

3. Describe a few incidents of Resonance phenomenon observed in day to day life.  (5/63)

4. Describe a ripple tank. How does it help in understanding reflection and refraction of light ?  (9/79)

5. Distinguish between Dia, Para, Ferro magnetic  substances ?  (1,2,3,4,/112)

6. What are essential ideas of Ewing  theory of magnetism ?  (3/96)

7. Define Ohm’s law. Explain an experiment to prove ohm’s law.  (5/129)

8. State Faraday’s second law of electrolysis. How do you verify it ?  (8/159)

9. A house is fitted with 10 lamps of 60 watts each. If each lamp burns for 5 hours a day on an average,  

find the  cost  of consumption in a month of 30 days at 80 paise per unit .  (3/150)

10. Explain an electric motor with neat sketch.  (2/167)

11. Explain the construction of a transformer with a neat diagram.  (10/181)

12. Draw a neat diagram of dynamo. Explain its construction and working ?  (6/181)

13.Describe the Rutherford’s gold-foil experiment with a diagram. Mention its important features.  (11/185)

14.Explain with a neat diagram, the emission of radiations from a radio-active substances.  (10/200)

15. What are the uses of radio isotopes ?  (203)

16. How do you classify solids on the basis of electrical behavior ?  (212)

17. Explain the formation of P-type and N-type semiconductors.  (5/219)

18. What are basic principles of radio and Tv  communication ?  (227)


 5 Marks Qns.


1. Draw a neat diagram showing the various regions of electromagnetic spectrum and their wavelength ranges.(50 )     

2.Draw the diagram of an electric motor and name the parts.  (165)

3.Draw the figure of A.C.dynamo and name its parts.  (172)

4. Sketch the diagram of Rutherford’s Atomic model and label its parts.  (183)

5.Draw the block diagram of Radio broadcasting.  (228)

6.Draw the block diagram of TV broadcasting.  (229)



2  Marks  Qns.

1. Distinguish between the orbit and orbital.  (242,247)                                                                       

2. What information does the principle quantum number give ?  (6/256)

3. Define atomic radius and ionization energy.  (23,24/257)

4. Draw the diagrams of NH3 and H2O.  (264)

5. Name the two molecules having pyramidal shape.  (7/266)

6. Define oxidation and reduction.  (15/275)

7. Which group elements can be used as oxidizing and reducing reagents ?  (16/275)

8. Write the electrode reactions during Mg extraction.  (6/284)

9. Copper sulphate is soluble in water, but not in kerosene. Give reason.  (288)

10. 15 ml. of hexane is mixed with 45 ml.of heptane. Calculate the V% of this solution.  (5/291)

11. Write two chemical properties of acids with equations.  (4/308)

12. Calculate the PH of 0.001M Hcl.  (10/308)

13. Mention the names of any  two chromophores.  (6/354)          


1  Mark

 1. What is the electronic configuration ?  (19/257)                                                                       

2 .What is a nodel plane ?  (248)

3. What are the degenerate orbatals ?  (7/256)

4. What is the shape of CO2 ?  (11/267)

5. Draw the bond formation of H2 molecule.  (259)

6. Give examples of two Doberiener triads.  (1/279)

7. What is allotropy ?   (1/321)

8. What is catenation ?  (6/321)

9. What is a soap ?  (7/337)

10. What are the primary Nutrients ?  (11/354)        

11. What are the use of Microfertilizers ?  (352)          

 12. Name two hormones.  (8/354)

 13. What is glass blowing ?  (340)  

 4  Marks Qns.     


       1. Discuss the features of modern atomic structure.  ( 31/257)                                           

2.Explain the four quantum numbers briefly.  (245)

3.Discuss the types of overlaps that are possible with ‘s’ and ‘p’ orbitals.(259)

4.Explain the classification of elements based on their electronic configuration.  (272)

5.Write the reactions of group IIA elements with (i)Water (ii)oxygen (iii)Hydrogen (iV) Chlorine.  (10/284)

6.Describe the method of extraction of magnesium from its ore.   (11/284)

7. 4 grams of NaoH (Mol.wt=40) is dissolved in 16.2 grams of water (Mol.wt=18).  Calculate mole fractions of          NaoH and Water.  (11/295)

8.How do you prepare a 0.1M standard Na2Co3 solution.  (294)

9.Define strong acid, strong base, weak acid, and weak base. Give one example for each.  (14/309)

10.Write a short notes on substitution reactions of Alkanes.  (316)

11.Explain briefly main steps involved in the production os sugar from sugar cane.  (8/332)

12.How is Tollen’s reagent prepared ? How is Glucose tested with it ?  (27/332)

13.How is Benedict’s reagent prepard ? How is Glucose tested with it ?  (28/332)

14.What are proteins ? How does a peptide bond form ? Mention the important functions of proteins.(329)

15.How is soap industrially manufactured ?    (11/337)

16.How is detergent industrially manufacturd ?  (12/337)

17.Distinguish between a soap and a detergent ?  (336)

18.What are fertilizers ?  Describe their types with examples.  (20/354)        

19.Describe the manufacture of Cement.  (12/354)           

20.Write short note on Pottery and Earthenware.   (13/354)    

5  Marks Qns.

1.Drawthestructure of Diamond.   (310)                                                                                        

2.Draw the structure of Graphite.  (311)

        3.Draw the neat diagram of Hydrogenation of oils.  (334)                                            

4.Draw the neat diagram of manufacture of cement.  ( 338 )

5.Draw a neat diagram of fractionation of Petroleum and label its parts.  (349)